Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Feline Fine!

Contradictory to the actual name of this blog;
I as many of us - simply hate cats.
The feline excrement smells 10x worse than that of any other creature known to man (except for that of the female human) and they show little or no companionship toward their owners.

These two examples of which should have been used in explanation and defense towards ridding the planet of these walking viruses in ancient times was not adhered too; And now thanks to the Egyptians, who were the first people group to keep and use cats to control 'vermin', cats are sadly now one of the worlds most popular pets...
And this needs to change!

Take for example the trouble making cats of history:

The Cheshire Cat:
I'm Whoopi Bitch! BAM!

This Nice Man:

The Cat in the Hat:
Green eggs and WHAT?!

And Finally...

Hitler's Cat:
shnell shnell...!

The list continues...
Lets be honest. These four legged freaks are of no use to modern day society. I ask you now to give one practical example of something a cat can do, besides giving worms to little children, that a dog, or dare I say a domesticated fox, can't do better? Exactly. Silence...

If a cat was here right now I'd punch it in its face!

Someone needs to take a stand against these so called 'pets', and seeing that no one is willing to raise a hand...
I will humbly slay for greater good.

"But what would you do with the freshly killed cats? -
You couldn't just leave them on the street to putrefy! - Could you?"

A great question i hear you ask! But don't worry...
I've worked out simple ideas to fix this (with fingers crossed) future problem... titled:
Four Practical ways to use Freshly Killed Cats (FPFKC)

Number 4: As a Scarf!
As shown by myself.
A freshly killed cat would be wonderful
in the winter months if used as a nice warm scarf.
"The way God intended..." - Jakk Burns
(Just remember to kill by neck break to avoid blood on clothes)

Number 3: Bonsai Kitten!
The Japanese art of Bonsai is
back with your very own kitten.
Grow him, feed him, watch him.
It's just like a boring Tamagotchi!
Obviously you might need to keep the cat alive for this one.

Number 2: Kitty Pot Pie
The Asians have been doing this one for years!
So why don't you give it a try?
"I feel like Kitten tonight, like Kitten tonight!"

Number 1: As Bait!
I personally do not fully agree with this
extreme measure of cat killing.
However this practice is effective!
Alternatively you could use your little FKC's to lure
more cats to the surrounding areas of your kills ...
But it's up to you!

(I'm aware of what you thought when -
you read the abbreviation: FKC's)

If you, in fact, would like to help.
Please let me know via facebook or this blog.

Thank you for your time...

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