Saturday, February 13, 2010

It's No Joke(r)

It was a beautiful summer day, but instead of going to the beach, my friends decide an adventure to Westfields Miranda is in order. This isn't rare but in fact a regular trip that happens at least 4 times a week. I personally stand impartial to said trips, but tag along even though i couldn't care less(slash)have no money.

Here's how it works:
We Park (top floor is always a winner, none of this stacker business)
We Walk (never enter any stores, unless a purchase is certain, which it never is)
We Talk (mainly about gays, lies and events gone by)
We Sit (food court baby, i eat, they perv, it's a win win all round)

And finally, you hop along to the
religious stop over that is: JB-HI-FI.
(You always finish with the best - last): Like the cookie half of a Maxibon.

This trip down the old money bin was to be different from any predecessors, when what caught my eye but, "The Crow".

Plot summary:
A poetic guitarist Eric Draven is brought back to life by a crow a year after he and his fiancée are murdered. The crow guides him through the land of the living, and leads him to his killers.

As i had heard good things, and my liking towards the striking similarities between the late Heath Ledger's portrayal of Batmans:The Joker & that of Brandon Lee(The Crow). I decided to purchase the film for a JB special at only $9.98 (You can't beat that for value)

It would be 3 months until i actually sat down and watched the film on a mandate with my good friend Mitchell. When this happened not only was i turned on by who was sitting next to me, I was thrilled by what i saw on the screen. Down to a tee Heath Ledger's Joker, or should i now say Brandon Lee's Joker? Considering the movie was released a whole 14 years previous.

Now don't get me wrong, The Dark Night is a brilliant film & i would definitely have it in my top 10! But two direct rip offs are swaying my original thoughts of the film being a flawless 10/10 remake.
(The other steal was from
Terminator 3) - Don't believe me...?
Take a look!

Now just take a moment to watch the first 2 - 3 minutes of the following videos and make up your own mind...

The Dark Knight (Disregard the unnecessary Soulja Boy Remix @ 3:03)

The Crow (Brandon Lee actually dies shooting this scene)

If you can't be bothered or have run out of bandwidth, take it from me & this lovely piece of evidence.

Here are where things start to get weird for me though...
Not only do they look similar but:
Both actors died before the release of each respective film & you guessed it, both at the age of 28.
Coincidence? Maybe, but if you ask me...
Don't go stealing characters who you think can't fight back from the grave. Not only did he die on set, it was Bruce Lee's son, you should have known better right from the start Heathy. Unlucky mate, this one bit back.

PS: The role is now definitely cursed. So if you're 28 and want to star in an action film that requires you to wear white makeup on your face. Unless you're black, think twice...

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